Saturday, May 21, 2011

Day for tractors

Emmit Bolt came down this morning. He is a blade hand by day. Father of 2 boys and a really nice guy. He started by fixing the seat on the John Deere Tractor. It had gotten bent with a previous attachment and operator error.

We had just installed the drive shaft and had checked it for length. After lubing the zerk fittings. I had him give it a test run so he could tell me of any idiosyncrasy it might have. That way if anything adverse happened,  he could tell me about that as well...

Here is Emmit heading east along our north fence line. Flail was just working fine. Grasses seemed ready for cutting. We then switched tractors and He started cutting the pad for the play structure while I got acquainted with the new attachment to this tractor. I made some laps around our big field, around the orchard and below the house.Made some good progress. He finished cutting the pad to sub grade, That is a big step toward getting the structure installed. We finished the day cutting up the oak branches we had pulled from the creek last weekend with the ACTS group assistance.
You can see him finishing off the pad while I work the grasses in this picture. He is a hard worker. He left for San Martin at 7 PM . Full Day, good day. Another step in making the camp presentable and fun.
Another day Dancing with the King.