Sunday, July 17, 2011

20 Something group came to work

Friday PM, this group of 12 rolled in. They were looking for some projects they could tackle. Saturday morning  they started with the green paint and painted all the picnic tables and serving shelves. The play structure caught the eye of a couple of them.

So while some of them painted, a few of them looked at the plans and started sorting the pieces. We have the components for 2 structures, all stacked together.
By laying out the parts they could tell if we had all the pieces. They discovered that we are missing a base to the circular slide and the 2 purple tubes do not appear in the plans. Great first step toward assembly. What is not clear just yet is which pole goes with which feature. Yet TBD as they say.
The paint crew did what they could with the green paint then did the back of our unit in light blue. The sun has really weathered the south wall. After lunch they worked on the rental picket fence. This has been on my to do list since last September when we came on board as camp host. We ran out of stain before it was truly finished. You would barely notice though. One of the men fixed our drinking faucet at the chapel. It has not worked for several years. Scott helped trim some overgrown oak trees off the ground near the fence line, helping with fire safety. It was great having them at the camp.