Thursday, August 18, 2011


I removed the game camera from Kavanugh creek a few weeks ago due to lack of activity and the 40 minute hike just to get to it. I placed the camera on a fence post near the water tank in hopes of getting a picture of a young buck that has been hanging out there. No picture of the buck, maybe because he knows it is hunting season and he would be legal to shoot.

This is the best I could come up with. A doe and a few turkeys. It is fun being able to take pictures like this.
     Last Friday I got a call from Dan our neighbor. His cow bison had just given birth and he was excited. Newborn bison calves are golden in color. A fact I learned last Friday. I managed to catch Dan in his field tonight and took a picture of his 6 day old calf.
Here is Dan's bison herd with it's latest addition. The bull is in the background and the 2 year old calf is front left. Most of the time I was talking to Dan, Jackie, the mom bison was between us and her calf. It is a delight to see and experience God's creation in so many ways.