Friday, September 2, 2011

Golden Calf and the spike buck

Just wanted to share a picture of the bison calf. It reminds me of a giraffe the way the legs are growing.
Rather distinctive color at this point. Not sure of what sex it is just yet.
The deer have come back to the property. We only saw a doe and some fawns most of the summer. This young buck has stated hanging out. If you are in a vehicle you can get within about 50 feet. On foot and he scoots away. While it is deer hunting season here in southern Monterrey county. He is not legal to shoot. He is just a spike, this year.
We were supposed to have a group here over the holiday weekend , but they changed their minds. Got some different things done. Changed the oil in the camp pick up. Had to use the "skewer it with a screw driver" technique, to remove the old one. Cut mistletoe  out of an oak tree, about a pick up load,  the deer like the leaves so it is best to leave it a few days and have less to pick up.