Friday, October 21, 2011

Fibar for the zipline

Thursday just before lunch the driver arrived with two trailers full of fibar. I met him at the bottom of the hill, drove him to camp and showed him where we wished the material dumped. I did that to build his confidence and help him see the small challenges getting his truck and two trailers up the road. There was the time a semi with 70 bison got stuck at the hard right turn coming up Bryson Hesperia road, but that is a story for another day.
First we got him to back his first trailer down the 12 foot slot we had prepared. George Stoyko helped direct him toward at the bath house end.
The floor moves in such a manner that the material is slowly ejected. Each trailer had 65 yards of this wood product.
His willingness to spread the  fibar is a huge labor saving event. I expected to be shuttling this fibar with a tractor and manpower. Our intent was to place 90 cu yard in a 12 foot swath and save 35 cu yards for the play structure, which is next on the big project list.
This is what we ended up with after his distribution. We still need about 50 feet of rock work to contain it, then spreading the fibar to a 12" uniform depth along the 200 foot length (210 ft pole to pole) hang the cable, which is cut and ready. Then pray someone will find this fun to use. That part should be a pretty easy task.
Here he is all hitched up and ready to head back to Ripon Ca.