Monday, October 10, 2011

Work Day

Saturday 10-8 Ted Mort and some men from Atascadero Gospel Chapel came to work.They brought some wonderful upgrades to the camp.
Scott is skilled at adjusting doors. Three of the chapel doors and one of the cabins received his attention.The play equipment door received some trim as well.
Ted's boys help with fire protection, first raking leaves out from under the trees then trimming the branches up off the ground.
While the ditch witch was digging a trench some tile work was being done in the chapel. About 6 tile were replaced that had cracked.
Here they are laying the conduit to the cabin. We will not need to run extension cords to have lights anymore. They also replaced the light fixtures from T 12 to T 8, which is a  more efficient fixture.
With a shop vac at one end they pulled some line through the conduit then they could pull the wire through.Not pictured are the new steps to our patio, which is a nice upgrade. Elliot, who did the steps, expressed some interest in the rental unit. It will be a good thing to have someone living in that house.