Saturday, September 22, 2012

Back in July

While the PBCC high School water ski trip was going on Sonja and her friend Randy helped work on the fire pit we had started. They are adding rock fascia to the fire bricks we had put in place earlier. We anticipated warm weather so we got the canopy out. It was easier to work with some shade.
Here was the test run trying to figure out the placement of the rocks.
In an effort to keep the concrete from cracking we kept it covered and wet. We ultimately will have a metal grate on it to help impede the sparks. We also plan on having it run on propane in the hot and dry portion of the year. So if you want to see how this turned out you will need to stop by.

The animals are moving around

We are finding that some of the  animals have changed their patterns. We are finding the does closer to the house we stay in.
These gals were settled in just below us a few days ago and snoozed for a while.

This evening the Turkeys slowly came out of the draw and fed their way across the field. They were scratching and eating like a bunch of chickens.
       This has been a slow period for camp usage.Our next scheduled group will be Igelsia De Jesus Christo from King City.